Position: Postdoctoral Researcher Tel: +353 (0)1 708 6187 Email: claudio.coletta@nuim.ie Twitter: @pandiver |
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Claudio Coletta is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA), National University of Ireland, Maynooth working as part of the ERC funded Programmable City Project. His research focus is on urban phenomena at the intersection between technology, narratives, practices and categorical work, explored through qualitative methods. Before joining NIRSA, Claudio was research fellow at the Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments, IUAV Uiversity of Venice, where he worked on creative entrepreneurship and creative processes.
As PhD fellow with the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento (IT) Claudio investigated how classifications, organizing practices and digital mapping affect and perform urban settings. After receiving his PhD in 2009, he worked as research fellow with IRSRS, Trento exploring the discursive, practical and material aspects of space production through the interplay of urban policies, uses of the city and urban narratives. Since then Claudio has worked on a number of projects in the public and private sector on e-Health, ageing and homecare, digital technologies for collaborative education and civic participation.
Research interests:
Claudio’s research moves across the fields of urban studies, organization studies and science & technology studies. His current interests address big data ecosystems and concern how data practices, software, infrastructures, data analytics and smart city discourses are assembled and shape urban life, policies and governance.
Working papers:
Coletta, C., Heaphy, L., and Kitchin, R. (2017) From the accidental to articulated smart city: The creation and work of ‘Smart Dublin’.
Edited books
Coletta, C., Colombo, S., Magaudda, P., Mattozzi A., Parolin L.L. e Rampino, L. (eds) (2014) “A Matter of Design. Proceedings of the V STS Italia Conference 2014”, Milano, STS Italia. ISBN: 978-88-940625-0-2
Sonda, G., Coletta, C., Gabbi, F. (eds) (2010) Urban Plots, Organizing Cities, Ashgate Publisher. ISBN: 978-1-4094-0927-4
Peer-reviewed scientific journals
Coletta, C. and Kitchin, R. (Forthcoming) Algorhythmic governance: Regulating the ‘heartbeat’of a city using the Internet of Things. In “Big Data & Society”.
Coletta, C. (2016) La creatività dell’impresa creativa: reti, racconti e tecnologie nello sviluppo di un’applicazione smartphone, in “Studi Organizzativi”, (1), pp. 37–57. doi:10.3280/SO2016-001002
Miele, F., Piras, E. M., Bruni, A., Coletta, C., and Zanutto, A. (2016) Managing the burden of care: support networks of elderlies outside healthcare institutions, in “Autonomie locali e servizi sociali”, (1/2016). doi:10.1447/83853
Coletta, C. and Gabbi, F. (2013) “Lo spazio del suono: sinestesie organizzative nelle politiche urbane sul rumore” [“The space of sound: organizational synesthesia in urban policies against noise pollution”], in Studi Culturali, 10 (1), pp. 89-106. ISSN 1824-369X
Coletta, C. (2010) “Dare il nome alle strade, dare le strade a un nome” [“Giving names to streets, giving streets to names”], in Tecnoscienza. Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 1(2), pp. 39-66. ISSN 2038-3460
Coletta, C. (2009) “La disciplina trasgressiva dello sportello al pubblico. Trasparenza e discrezionalità” [“The transgressive discipline of public service. Transparency and Discretion”], in E/C, vol. 3/4, pp. 195-204. ISSN: 1973-2716
Book chapters
Kitchin, R., Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L., and MacDonncha, D. (2017) Smart cities, urban technocrats, epistemic communities and advocacy coalitions.
Kitchin, R., Coletta, C., and McArdle, G. (2017) Urban informatics, governmentality and the logics of urban control. In Luque-Ayala, A. and Marvin, S. (eds) Control Room: Nodes in the Networked City. Routledge, London.
Coletta, C. (2016) “The Hybrid Status of Global Television Formats”, in K. Aveyard, A. Moran, and P. Majbritt Jensen, New Patterns in Global Television Formats. Bristol, Intellect books, pp. 35-46.
Miele F., Coletta C., Bruni A., Piras E.M., Zanutto A. (2014), ‘GPs and elderly patients: organizing a care network‘, in Francesco Sarracino, Malgorzata Mikucka (eds), Life Satisfaction: perceptions, social influences and implications for Long-Term Health. Hauppauge, NY, 11788-3619, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Piras E.M., Miele F., Bruni A., Coletta C., Zanutto A. (2014) ‘Managing Complex Therapies Outside Hospitals. An Analysis of GPs Practices of how to support’, in C. Lovis et al. (Eds.) Medication at Home e-Health – For Continuity of Care, IOS Press. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-432-9-652
Sonda, G., Coletta, C., Gabbi, F. (Eds) (2010) ‘Introduction‘, in Sonda, Coletta, Gabbi (eds) Urban Plots, Organizing Cities. ISBN: 978-1-4094-0927-4
Coletta C., Francesco Gabbi, Giovanna Sonda (2009) ‘Muri come trame e infrastrutture urbane. Organizzare la città attraverso sensi, pratiche, narrative, controversie‘. [‘Walls as urban plots and infrastructures. Organizing cities through senses, practices, narratives, controviersies’], in Brighenti, A. (ed), The wall and the city, professionaldreamers press. ISBN 978-88-904295-0-7
Peer-reviewed proceedings
Zanutto A, Miele F, Piras E, Coletta C, Bruni A (2014) “Organizzare la cura fuori dai contesti istituzionali: il caso dei pazienti anziani con terapie complesse”, in Coletta, C., Colombo, S., Magaudda, P., Mattozzi A., Parolin L.L. e Rampino, L. (eds) (2014) A Matter of Design. Proceedings of the V STS Italia Conference 2014, Milano, STS Italia. ISBN: 978-88-940625-0-2.
Miele F, Piras E, Bruni A, Coletta C, Zanutto A (2013), “La medicina generale come lavoro di configurazione: gestire le terapie complesse nel paziente anziano“, Atti del X Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive. NEA SCIENCE, p. 270-277, ISSN: 2282-6009, Napoli.
Coletta, C. (2013) “Bridging popular culture. Managing and infrastructuring TV formats”, EGOS –European Group for Organizational Studies: ‘Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews’, Montréal (CA), July 4-6 2013.
Coletta C. (2006) “Stories of Bypassing Barriers in a Local Administration”. In: APROS 11: Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies: 11th International Colloquium, Melbourne, Australia, December 4-7, 2005; Melbourne: RMIT Publishing, pp. 450-460. ISBN/ISSN: 192116638X
Coletta C., Gabbi, F., Sonda G. (2008) “Buskers’ uses of public space. A case to explore the fundamentals and by-products of administrative rationality”, EURA 2008: ‘Learning Cities’, Milano, October 9-11, 2008, ISBN 978-88387-313-4.
Other publications:
Coletta, C. (2009) ”Gomorra: sguardo neoepico e malocchio della ricerca sociale. Transdisciplinarità di un oggetto narrativo non identificato” [”Gomorra by Roberto Saviano: neoepic gaze and the evil eye of social research”], in Lo Squaderno n.12 . ISSN 1973-9141
Coletta C., Gabbi F., Sonda G. (2008) “Organizzare il centro storico secondo il decoro” [“Organizing ‘old town center’ by decorum”] in Lo Squaderno n.10. ISSN 1973-9141
Coletta C., Gabbi F. & Sonda G. (2008) “Enclosures urbane” [“Urban Enclosures”], in Lo Squaderno n.8. ISSN 1973-9141
Brodesco, A., Brighenti, A. e Coletta, C. (eds) (2008) “Life on Province”, Lo Squaderno n.6. ISSN 1973-9141
Coletta C. (2007) “Dalla parte della Provincia” [“On the side of the province”], in Lo Squaderno n.6. ISSN 1973-9141.