Position: Postdoctoral Researcher Tel: 01-708-6736 Email: sung-yueh.perng@NUIM.ie Twitter: @syperng |
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Sung-Yueh Perng is a Postdoctoral Researcher on the Programmable City project, exploring current and emerging opportunities and challenges when incorporating hacking practices and personal analytics into urban everyday life.
Before joining NIRSA, he worked in Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, on the BRIDGE project, investigating social and ethical opportunities and challenges arising from incorporating social computing into emergency response. He also explored various ways in which routines in everyday life have been (and continue to be) reshaped through the exposure to and engagement with innovative ideas and practices, digital and locative arts, wireless signals and various mobilities systems.
His research draws on mobilities research, science and technology studies, social and cultural geography, media and communication studies, participatory design and CSCW, and is particularly interested in mobile, participatory, experimental and engaged research methods.
Recent working papers in Programmable City Working Paper Series
Perng, SY. (2017) Practices and politics of collaborative urban infrastructuring: Traffic Light Box Artworks in Dublin Streets. Programmable City Working Paper 33. https://osf.io/2xpq7
Perng, SY, Kitchin, R and Mac Donncha, D (2017) Hackathons, entrepreneurship and the passionate making of smart cities. The Programmable City Working Paper 28. https://osf.io/nu3ec
Peer-reviewed publications
Perng, SY and Kitchin, R (2016) Solutions and frictions in civic hacking: Collaboratively designing and building wait time predictions for an immigration office, Social & Cultural Geography, OnlineFirst.
Perng, SY, Kitchin, R and Evans, L (2016) Locative Media and Data-Driven Computing Experiments, Big Data & Society. January-June, 1-12.
Perng, SY (2015) Performing tasks with Wi-Fi signals in Taipei, Space & Culture, 18(3), 285-97.
Perng, SY and Büscher, M (2015) Uncertainty and transparency: Augmenting modelling and prediction for crisis response, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2015).
Perng, SY and Kitchin, R (2015) Solutions, strategies and frictions in civic hacking, in Proceedings of MediaCity 5, available as Programmable City Working Paper 10 on SSRN.
Büscher, M, Perng, SY and Liegl, M, (2015) Privacy, security, liberty: Informing the design of emergency management information systems, International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 6(4), 76-92.
Büscher, M, Perng, SY and Weise, S (2014) Periphere Kooperation am Beispiel der Anschläge in Norwegen 2011 / Peripheral Cooperation in Crises: Norway 22/7/11, I-COM: A Journal of Interactive and Cooperative Media, 13(1), 12–19.
Büscher, M, Liegl, M, Perng, SY and Wood, L. (2014) How to follow the information? A study of informational mobilities in crises, Sociologica, 1, 1-37.
Perng, SY, Büscher, M, Wood, L, Halvorsrud, R, Stiso, M, Ramirez, L and Al-Akkad, A (2013) Peripheral response during the 22/7/2011 Norway attacks, International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 5(1), 41-57. (or here)
Büscher, M, Wood, L and Perng, SY (2013) Privacy, security, liberty: Informing the design of emergency management information systems, in Proceedings of International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) 2013, Baden-Baden, Germany, 12nd – 15th May, 2013.
Edited book
Kitchin, R and Perng, SY (2016) Code and the City, London: Routledge.
Book chapters
Perng, SY (in press) The spaces, mobilities and soundings of coding, in K. Hartmann-Petersen, E.L. Perez Fjalland and M. Freudendal-Pedersen (eds) Experiencing Urban Networked Mobilities, Routledge.
Maalsen, S and Perng, SY (in press) Crafting code: Gender, coding and spatial hybridity in the events of Dublin Pyladies, in S. Luckman and N. Thomas (eds) Craft Economies: Cultural Economies of the Handmade, Bloomsbury.
Evans, L and Perng, SY (in press) Spatial knowledge and behaviour, in R. Kitchin, M.W. Wilson and T.P. Lauriault (eds) Understanding Spatial Media, Sage.
Kitchin, R and Perng, SY (2016) Introduction, in R. Kitchin and SY Perng (eds) Code and the City, Routledge.
Maalsen, S and Perng, SY (2016) Encountering the city at hacking events, in R. Kitchin and SY Perng (eds) Code and the City, Routledge. (video version of the chapter)
Selected presentations
Perng, SY (2017) Design, Aesthetics, Politics and Urban Lives, People, Cities and Urban Interaction Design, 9th March, Interaction Design Association Dublin, National College of Arts and Design, Dublin, Ireland. Slides & short recap. (Invited)
Perng, SY (2016) Creating infrastructure with citizens: Traffic Light Box Artworks in Dublin streets, Creating Smart Cities, 5th – 6th September, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland. Video: https://vimeo.com/188631313.
Perng, SY (2016) Civic Hacking and the Many Pursuits of Creative Economy, 21st April, College of Public and Community Service, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, USA (invited).
Perng, SY (2015) More than remembering and forgetting: Social practices and ethical, legal and social issues in the innovation of wearable computing, Lifelogging@Dublin, 12 June, Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland (invited).
Perng, SY and Büscher, M (2015) Augmenting modelling and prediction for crisis response, The 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 24-27 May, Kristiansand, Norway.
Perng, SY and Kitchin, R (2015) Solutions, strategies and frictions in civic hacking, Mediacity 5, 1st – 3rd May, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK.
Perng, SY (2014) The digital, the interactional, the mobile: Making and making use of data, insights and solutions, Transforming Digital Methods, Winter School, Exeter University, 11th – 12th December, Exeter, UK (Invited)
Perng, SY (2014) Soundscape of mobilising codes, Networked Urban Mobilities, 5th – 7th November, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Campus, Copengagen, Denmark
Maalsen, S and Perng, SY (2014) Encountering the city at hackathons, Code and the City Workshop, 3rd – 4th September, NIRSA, NUI Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. Video: https://vimeo.com/110233015.
Perng, SY and Kitchin, R (2014) Unintended expectations: Location-based Social Network (LBSN) data and unknown futures, RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 27th – 29th August, London, UK.
Perng, SY (2014) Mobile communities and the design and production of data solutions, Making Data Workshop, 22nd – 23rd January, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK (Invited presentation)
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Pingback: New paper on collaborative urban infrastructuring | The Programmable City