Tag Archives: Glasgow

André Lemos – Smart Cities and the Secret Life of Objects. (In)Visibility at Glasgow, Curitiba and Bristol’s initiatives.

On November 25th Prof. André Lemos, visiting scholar at NIRSA, Maynooth University from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), delivered a Programmable City seminar on the topics of invisibility of info-communicational objects in smart city initiatives, presenting three case studies involving Glasgow, Curitiba and Bristol.

The talk was extremely well-received, and this video of the event offers an account of smart city and IoT narratives, algorithms governmentability and the quasi-handiness of informational enhanced objects.

Seminar – Smart Cities and the Secret Life of Objects. (In)Visibility at Glasgow, Curitiba and Bristol’s initiatives.

We are delighted to welcome Dr. André Lemos to Maynooth on Wednesday 25th November at 3pm, Iontas Building, room 2.31 for the second of our Programmable City seminars this semester.

Dr. André Lemos has a PhD in Sociology (Université René Descartes, Paris V, Sorbonne, 1995), and is a Full Professor and the Director of Lab404 – Digital Media, Networks and Space Lab at Faculty of Communication, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil. He is presently a visiting scholar at NIRSA, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, with a research grant from CAPES Foundation (Brazilian Ministry of Education). His research is on cultural and communicational aspects of objects on Smart Cities, Internet of Things and Big Data initiatives.

The session will introduce the topics of invisibility of info-communicational objects in smart city initiatives. It will focus on the social/political dimensions of digital objects’ invisibility in everyday life, showing how they mediate and act upon human experience.
