Tag Archives: launch

Launch Videos: Introduction – Rob Kitchin, PI Programmable City Project, NIRSA, NUIM

Rob provides an overview of The Programmable City project in this launch video, which includes the ideas underpinning the research and the prospective case studies.  Here are links to the slides the complete program.

Programmable City Launch Presentations

Below are the Programmable City Project Launch Presentations.  The presentations are much more dynamic as some are animated while others include videos, but alas, sharing makes them a little static.  The videos will soon be available, and watching them live will provide you with more of a sense of what the talks were about. Here is the full program.

Introduction: The Programmable City Project

  • Rob Kitchin, PI Programmable City Project, NIRSA, NUIM

Session 1: Software and cities

  • Matt Wilson (Harvard), Quantified Self-City-Nation

  • Martin Dodge (Department of Geography, University of Manchester), Code and Conveniences

Session 2: Data and cities

  • Tim Reardon (Assistant Director of Data Services, MAPC, Boston), Putting Data to Work in Metro Boston

  • Tracey P. Lauriault (Programmable City team), A genealogy of open data assemblages

Session 3: Smart Cities

  • Siobhan Clarke (Trinity College Dublin), ICT-Enabled Behavioural Change in Smart Cities

  • Adam Greenfield (London School of Economics), Another city is possible: Networked urbanism from above and below? Visit Adam’s Website UrbanScale

Session 4: Programmable City PhD/Postdoc projects & Gavin McArdle – Dublin City Dashboard Demo

  • Robert Bradshaw, Smart Bikeshare
  • Dr Sophia Maalsen, How are discourses and practices of city governance translated into code?
  • Jim Merricks White, Towards a Digital Urban Commons:Developing a situated computing praxis for a more direct democracy
  • Alan Moore, The Role of Dublin in the Global Innovation Network of Cloud Computing
  • Dr Leighton Evans, How does software alter the forms and nature of work?
  • Darach Mac Donncha, ‘How software is discursively produced and legitimised by vested interests’
  • Dr Sung-Yueh Perng, Programming Urban Lives
  • Dr Gavin McArdle, NCG, NIRSA, NUIM, Dublin Dashboard Performance Indicators & Metrics

Programmable City project launched

Yesterday the Programmable City project was officially launched by the Minister for Research and Innovation, Sean Sherlock, TD.  The event was a great success, with some very interesting papers from our guest speakers, Siobhan Clarke, Martin Dodge, Adam Greenfield, Peter Finnegan, Tim Reardon, and Matt Wilson (program here).  We hope to put up videos of the talks shortly, along with slides. We were very fortunate to have an engaged audience, who asked some interesting questions and thanks to everyone that attended.  The event received some media attention.

RTE News site, including Morning Ireland radio clip

Morning Edition (TV clip – 31.08 minutes in)

Irish Times article (clipping below).
IT launch

Mapping, Data & Urban space – Reading Seminar w/Matthew Wilson

You are invited to participate in our Reading Seminar with Dr. Matthew W. Wilson on Mapping, Data and Urban space, as part of our Launch event. Dr. Wilson (Harvard University and University of Kentucky) focuses his research on the intersection of critical human geography and geographic information science, as part of an evolving research agenda in ‘critical GIS’.

The following are the articles.  If you cannot get copies contact Tracey.Lauriault at NUIM.ie

  1. Wilson, Matthew W. 2012. Location-based services, conspicuous mobility, and the location-aware future. Geoforum. 43:6. p. 1266-1275.
  2. Wilson, Matthew W. 2011. Data matter(s): legitimacy, coding, qualifications-of-life. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space. 29:5. p. 857-872.

Time: 14:00 – 16:00, Monday, 24th March
Venue: Room 2.31, 2nd Floor, Iontas Building, North Campus, NUI Maynooth (Map)

ProgCity Launch reading seminar

Official launch of Programmable City project, 25th March 2014

The Programmable City project will be officially launched on the 25th March 2014, with an all day event in Renehan Hall in NUI Maynooth.  There’s a really great line-up of speakers, so hopefully you’ll consider joining us to learn more about the project and about smart cities, ubiquitous computing, big data and how software is reshaping urban life. Complete bios and abstracts are availble here.

Be sure to RSVP via EventBrite!


9:45: Tea/coffee

10.10-10.30: The Programmable City
Rob Kitchin, PI Programmable City Project, NIRSA, NUIM

10.30-11.30: Software and Cities
Matthew Wilson (Harvard University) Quantified Self-City-Nation
Martin Dodge (University of Manchester) Code and Conveniences

11.30-12.30: Data and Cities
Tim Reardon (Assistant Director of Data Services, MAPC, Boston) Putting Data to Work in Metro Boston
Tracey P. Lauriault (Programmable City team) A Genealogy of Open Data Assemblages

12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30-14.00: Launch
Sean Sherlock, TD., Minister for Research and Innovation and Prof. Bernard Mahon, Vice-President for Research NUIM

14.00-15.00 Smart Cities
Siobhan Clarke (Trinity College Dublin) ICT-Enabled Behavioural Change in Smart Cities
Adam Greenfield (London School of Economics) Another City is Possible: Networked Urbanism from Above and Below

15.00-15.45: The Programmable City project
Snapshots of Programmable City PhD/Postdoc projects
Gavin McArdle – Dublin City Dashboard

15.45-16.00 Closing remarks
Peter Finnegan, Director of International Research and Relations, Dublin City Council
Rob Kitchin, PI Programmable City project

Be sure to RSVP via EventBrite!

Parking information can be found at http://progcity.maynoothuniversity.ie/about/nui-maynooth/.